What is the first symptom of kidney Stones

What is the first symptom of kidney Stones?

A kidney stone is a solid item created by the chemicals in urine. Calcium oxalate, uric acid, struvite, and cystine are the four different forms of kidney stones. Treatment options for kidney stones include nephrolithotripsy, percutaneous nephrolithomy, shockwave lithotripsy, and uteroscopy. You can go near a nephrologist in raipur. Common symptoms include severe lower back pain, blood in the urine, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, or bad-smelling or murky urine.


Until a kidney stone moves around or enters one of the ureters, it typically does not show any symptoms. The tubes that join the kidneys to the bladder are called ureters. There are many kidney specialist in raipur. It can be extremely painful if a kidney stone lodges in the ureters and blocks the urine’s flow while also causing the kidney to enlarge and the ureter to spasm. At that point, you can encounter the following signs:

  • severe, acute back and side discomfort that is located behind the ribs
  • Lower abdominal and groyne pain that is radiated
  • Waves of changing and varying intensity of pain
  • Urination that causes pain or burning

when see to doctor?

If you experience any symptoms or signs that alarm you, schedule a visit with your doctor. If you experience: Get medical help right away.

  • The pain is so intense that you are unable to remain motionless or find a comfortable position.
  • nausea and vomiting as well as pain
  • Fever and chills are present with the pain.
  • pee with blood
  • urinary incontinence


Although a number of variables may raise your risk, kidney stones sometimes lack a clear, identifiable cause. When your urine contains more crystal-forming substances than it can effectively dilute, such as calcium, oxalate, and uric acid, kidney stones can develop. A perfect environment for kidney stones to form may also be created by the absence of chemicals in your urine that inhibit crystals from adhering to one another.

Risk factor

Family or personal history

Kidney stones are more likely to affect you if someone in your family has previously had them. You are more likely to get kidney stones if you’ve already had one or more of them.

Certain diet

Some types of kidney stones may be more likely to develop if you consume a diet high in protein, sodium (salt), and sugar. A high-sodium diet makes this especially true. The quantity of calcium your kidneys must filter as a result of consuming too much salt considerably raises your risk of kidney stones.


Kidney stones are more likely to form if you don’t drink enough water each day. A increased risk may apply to those who sweat a lot and/or dwell in warm, dry climates.


Kidney stones can be treated in both adults and children. Many glasses of water may be required of you. Without surgery, doctors attempt to let the stone pass. To help make your urine less acidic, you might also be prescribed medication. Surgery is required to remove it, though, if it is too large, obstructs the urine’s flow, or shows signs of infection. You can find best kidney specialist hospital in raipur. High-energy sound waves are used in the noninvasive procedure of shock-wave lithotripsy to shatter the stones into pieces that are then more easily excreted in the urine. An endoscope is introduced through the ureter during ureteroscopy in order to remove or retrieve the stone.

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